Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s story of Faithfulness [Daniel 3:1-30]

Grace Oluwaloju

A couple of Jewish captives were taken from their homeland to serve in the Babylonian empire.

But even having to adjust to the ways of this empire, their commitment to God did not change. Still, and just like any faithful men of God, their faith was put to the test.

King Nebuchadnezzar commanded that a golden statue be made and ordered that every person must bow down and worship it. However, when it was time for the three men to bow down like the rest, they refused, and this angered the King.

Because of their refusal, they were thrown into a fiery furnace which was turned up seven times the normal temperature. The fire was so hot that it scorched the guards that were standing outside, but when the King looked inside expecting to see nothing but fire, he saw not three but four men.

Filled with shock, he immediately ordered for the men to be removed from the fire. Because of the three men’s faith in God, he showed up while they were going through their fire. The King made a new declaration that they were now going to worship the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Like Elijah, the three stood boldly for Christ, and it was through their faith that other persons began worshiping the true and living God.

Life application: Would you stand for God if you were faced with a situation where it was either life or death? We are now living in a time where our faithfulness is tested, and it’s going to come a time where you have to decide who you will stand for. Life or death. And the pressures of life sometimes will be turned up as they did for those three men, but once you stand for God, he will show up for you amid your fiery trials. The Bible says when you pass through the waters, he will be with you, or when you walk through the fire you will not be burned, for he is the Lord your God. (Isaiah 43:2-3)

Prayer point:
Oh God my father may I always remain faithful to you in all circumstances in Jesus’ name.

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